Name: Yu Liu
Title: Professor
Phone: 01062753220
Email: [email protected]
1999.09--2003.07 Ph.D. Software Engineering, Peking University
1994.09--1997.07 M.S. GIS & Remote Sensing, Peking University
1989.10--1994.07 B.S. Human Geography, Peking University
2013.08--to now Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Peking University.
2004.08--2013.08 Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Peking University.
2011.09--2012.09 Visiting scholar, Louisiana State University
2005.09--2007.02 Visiting scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, and University of California, Merced
2001.10--2004.08 Lecturer, Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Peking University.
1997.09--2001.10 Lecturer, Department of Geography (Urban and Environmental Sciences), Peking University.
no record
1. Development of GIS Algorithms and Applications (for graduate students, 2009-present)
2. Introduction to Computer (for freshman, 2004-present)
3. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (for undergraduate students, 2013-present)
4. Spatial Cognition and Spatial Data Model (for graduate students, 2005-2009)
5. The C Programming Language and Data Structure (for sophomores, 1997-1999);
6. Processing of Remote Sensing Image (for graduate students,1997-1998).
7. Software Engineering (for sophomores, 2000).
8. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, (for seniors, 2000)
9. The C& C++ Programming Language (for sophomores, 1999-2001).
10. Algorithm and Data Structure, (for sophomores, 1999-2003).
Associate Editor
2013-present, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Editorial Board Member
2012-present, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
2007-present, Journal of Spatial Information Sciences
2003-present, Geography and Geo-information science (A Chinese Journal)
BOD Member
2011-2012, Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)
2014-2016, Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)
Chair of Program Committee
2010, The 18th International Conference on GeoInformatics (Beijing)
Member of Program Committee
2014, Mobile Tartu (Mobile Data, Geography, LBS) 2014 (Tartu)
2014, The Second International Conference on CyberGIS and Geodesign (Redlands)
2014, The 21th International Conference on GeoInformatics (Kaohsiung)
2014, The 8th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (Vienna)
2013, The 1st International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Green Ecology &
Environment (Wuhan)2013, The 21th International Conference on GeoInformatics (Kaifeng)
2013, The 12th International Conference on GeoComputation (Wuhan)
2012, The 20th International Conference on GeoInformatics (Hong Kong)
2012, The 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (Columbus)
2011, The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation
Engineering (Nanjing)
2011, The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics (Shanghai)
Guest Editor of Journals
2012, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
External Reviewer
NSFC (2006-)
863 Program (2007)
US NSF (2012)
Referee of Journals
Annals of GIS
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Cognitive Processing
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Environment and Planning A
Geographical Analysis
GIScience & Remote Sensing
Information Sciences
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Journal of Geographical Systems
Knowledge-Based Systems
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.
SCIENCE CHINA D: Earth Sciences
Transportation Research Part C
2012-2015 NSFC: Modeling Intra-urban Human Mobility Patterns Using Large Volumes of Spatio-temporal Data PI
2011-2014 NSFC: Representation and Reasoning of Uncertain Geospatial Knowledge and Applications in GIR Co-PI
2009-2010 NSFC: Evolutions of Transport Networks and CoPI Systems of Cities in China
2007-2010 National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China: On General Chinese Place Name Services Considering Geographical Semantics
2004-2005 National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China: Research on next generation of GISSoftware architect and 1st researcher in data model supporting next generation of GIS
2003-2004 National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China: Application of 3S techniques in railway logistics Software architect and designer of spatio-temporal data model
1996-2000 Development of Citystar - A 3S Integrated Software 2nd researcher in charge of System Analysis, Design,Implementation and Development Management
1. Guide of the Urban-GIS Standardization (one of the co-author, the Portion of Data Structure), 1997,
Beijing: Science Press. 237 Pages.
2. Geographical Information Systems and Management Decision (one of the co-author, the portion of
Spatial Data Model and Data Structure). Beijing: Peking University Press, 2000. 281 Pages
3. Geographical Information System: Principles, Functionaries and Applications (Second author).
Beijing: Science Press, 2000. 470 Pages
Refereed Journal Papers (in English)
1. Li Gong, Xi Liu, Lun Wu, Yu Liu*, Inferring trip purposes and uncovering travel patterns from taxi
trajectory data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. In press (doi: 10.1080/15230406.
2. Xi Liu, Li Gong, Yongxi Gong, Yu Liu*, Revealing travel patterns and city structure with taxi trip data.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 43, 78-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.01.016)
3. Li Shi, Guanghua Chi, Xi Liu, Yu Liu*, Human mobility patterns in different communities: a mobile
phone data based social network approach. Annals of GIS, 2015, 21(1), 15-26. (doi: 10.1080/19475683.
4. Guanghua Chi, Jean-Claude Thill, Daoqin Tong, Li Shi, Yu Liu*, Uncovering regional characteristics
from mobile phone data: a network science approach. Papers in Regional Science. In press. (doi:
5. Yu Liu, Daoqin Tong, Xi Liu, Measuring spatial autocorrelation of vectors. Geographical Analysis. In
press. (doi: 10.1111/gean.12069)
6. Yu Liu, Xi Liu, Song Gao, Li Gong, Chaogui Kang, Ye Zhi, Guanghua Chi, Li Shi, Social sensing: A
new approach to understanding our socio-economic environments. Annals of the Association of
American Geographers. In press. (doi: 10.1080/00045608.2015.1018773)
7. Lingxiao Ying , Zehao Shen , Shilong Piao , Yu Liu, George P. Malanson, Terrestrial surface-area
increment: The effects of topography, DEM resolution, and algorithm. Physical Geography. 2014, 35
(4), 297-312. (doi: 10.1080/02723646.2014.886923)
8. Lun Wu, Yu Zhi, Zhengwei Sui, Yu Liu*, Intra-urban human mobility and activity transition: Evidence
from social media check-in data. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(5): e97010. (doi: 10.1371/journal.
9. Yu Liu, Zhengwei Sui, Chaogui Kang, Yong Gao, Uncovering patterns of inter-urban trip and spatial
interaction from social media check-in data. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(1), e86026. (doi: 10.1371/journal.
pone.0086026)10. Yu Liu, Fahui Wang, Chaogui Kang, Yong Gao, Yongmei Lu, Analyzing relatedness by toponym
co-occurrences on web pages. Transactions in GIS. 2014, 18(1), 89-107 (doi: 10.1111/tgis.12023)
11. Song Gao, Yu Liu, Yaoli Wang, Xiujun Ma, Discovering spatial interaction communities from mobile
phone data, Transactions in GIS. 2013, 17(3), 463-481. (doi: 10.1111/tgis.12042)
12. Chaogui Kang, Yi Zhang, Xiujun Ma, Yu Liu*, Inferring properties and revealing geographical impacts
of intercity mobile communication network of China using a subnet data set, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(3), 431-448. (doi: 10.1080/13658816.2012.689838)
13. Yu Xiao, Fahui Wang, Yu Liu, Jiaoe Wang, Reconstructing gravitational attractions of major cities in
China from air passenger flow data 2001-2008: A particle swarm optimization approach. The
Professional Geographer. 2013, 65(2), 265-282. (doi: 10.1080/00330124.2012.679445)
14. Song Gao, Yaoli Wang, Yong Gao, Yu Liu*, Understanding urban traffic flow characteristics: A
rethinking of betweenness centrality. Environment & Planning B, Planning and Design. 2013, 40(1),
135-153. (doi:10.1068/b38141)
15. Chaogui Kang, Yu Liu*, Xiujun Ma, Lun Wu, Towards estimating urban population distributions from
mobile call data, Journal of Urban Technology. 2012, 19(4), 3-21. (doi: 10.1080/10630732.
16. Yongxi Gong, Lun Wu, Yaoyu Lin, Yu Liu*, Probability issues in locality descriptions based on
Voronoi neighbor relationship, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 2012, 23(4), 213-222.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jvlc. 2012.04.002)
17. Menglong Yan, Thomas Blaschke, Yu Liu, Lun Wu, An object based analysis filtering algorithm for
Airborne Laser Scanning, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2012, 33(22), 7099-7116. (doi:
10.1080/01431161.2012. 699694)
18. Yu Liu, Chaogui Kang, Song Gao, Yu Xiao, Yuan Tian, Understanding intra-urban trip patterns from
taxi trajectory data. Journal of Geographical Systems. 2012, 14(4), 463-483. (doi:10.1007/s10109
19. Yu Liu, Fahui Wang, Yu Xiao, Song Gao, Urban land uses and traffic 'source-sink areas': Evidence
from GPS-enabled taxi data in Shanghai. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2012, 106(1), 73-87. (doi:
20. Yongxi Gong, Guicai Li, Yuan Tian, Yaoyu Lin, Yu Liu*, A vector-based algorithm to generate and
update multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagrams for points, polylines, and polygons. Computers &
Geosciences. 2012, 42, 118-125. (doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2011.09.003).
21. Yu Liu, Qinghua Guo, Yuan Tian, A software framework for classification models of geographical data,
Computers & Geosciences. 2012, 42, 47-56. (doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.02.006).
22. Yihong Yuan, Martin Raubal, Yu Liu, Correlating mobile phone usage and travel behavior - A case
study of Harbin, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2012, 36(2), 118-130. (doi:
10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2011.07.003).23. Chaogui Kang, Xiujun Ma, Daoqin Tong, Yu Liu*, Intra-urban human mobility patterns: an urban
morphology perspective. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2012, 391(4),
1702-1717. (doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2011.11.005).
24. Qinghua Guo, Wenkai Li, Yu Liu, Daoqin Tong, Predicting potential distributions of geographic events
using one-class data: concepts and methods. International Journal of Geographical Information
Science, 2011, 25(10), 1697-1715. (doi: 10.1080/13658816. 2010.546360).
25. Paul J. Doherty, Qinghua Guo, Yu Liu, John Wieczorek, Doke Jared, Georeferencing incidents from
locality descriptions and its applications: a case study from Yosemite National Park search and rescue.
Transaction in GIS, 2011, 15(6), 775-793. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467- 9671.2011.01290.x).
26. Qinghua Guo, Yu Liu, ModEco: An integrated software package for ecological niche modeling,
Ecography. 2010, 33(4), 637-642. (doi: 10.1111/ j.1600-0587.2010. 06416.x).
27. Yongxi Gong, Guicai Li, Yu Liu, Jian Yang, Positioning Localities from Spatial Assertions based on
Voronoi Neighboring, Science China: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(S1), 143-149.
28. Yong Gao, Song Gao, Runqiang Li, Yu Liu*, A semantic geographical knowledge wiki system mashed
up with Google Maps, Science China: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(S1), 52-60.
29. Daming Wang, Shawn Laffan, Yu Liu, Lun Wu, Morphometric characterisation of landform from
DEMs, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2010, 24(2), 305-326. (doi:
30. Yu Liu, Yihong Yuan, Danqing Xiao, Yi Zhang, Jiangquan Hu, A point-set-based approximation for
areal objects: A case study of representing localities, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,
2010, 34(1), 28-39. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys. 2009.05.001).
31. Yongxi Gong, Yu Liu*, Lun Wu, Yubo Xie, Boolean operations on conic polygons, Journal of
Computer Science and Technology, 2009, 24(3), 568-577. (doi:10.1007/ s11390-009-9246-z).
32. Yu Liu, Qinghua Guo, John Wieczorek, Michael F. Goodchild, Positioning localities based on spatial
assertions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2009, 23(11), 1471-1051. (doi:
10.1080/136588108022 47114).
33. Guiyun Jia, Yuan Tian, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, A static and dynamic factors-coupled forecasting model of
regional rainfall-induced landslides: A case study of Shenzhen. Science in China, Series E:
Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(S2), 164-175. (doi: 10.1007/s11431-008-6013-2).
34. Yuan Tian, Chenchao Xiao, Yu Liu, Wu Lun, Effects of raster resolution on landslide susceptibility
mapping: A case study of Shenzhen. Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(S2),
188-198. (doi: 10.1007/s11431-008-6009-y).
35. Qinghua Guo, Yu Liu, John Wieczorek, Georeferencing locality descriptions and computing associated
uncertainty in a probabilistic approach, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
2008, 22(10), 1067-1090. (doi: 10.1080/13658810701851420)36. Yu Liu, Qinghua Guo, Maggi Kelly, A framework of region-based spatial relations for non-overlapping
features and its application in object based image analysis, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry &
Remote Sensing, 2008, 63(4), 461-475. (doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.01.007)
37. Junhua Teng, Fahui Wang, Yu Liu, An efficient algorithm for raster-to-vector data conversion,
Geographic Information Sciences, 2008, 14(1), 54-62. (doi: 10.1080/10824000809480639)
38. Yu Liu, Yuan Tian, Jingnong Weng, Probabilistic composition of cone-based cardinal direction
relations, Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(S),81-90.
39. Xiaohang Liu, Yu Liu, The accuracy assessment in areal interpolation: an empirical investigation,
Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(S), 62-71.
40. Yu Liu, Michael F. Goodchild, Qinghua Guo, Yuan Tian, Lun Wu, Towards a General Field model and
its order in GIS, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2008, 22(6), 623-643.
(doi: 10.1080/13658810701587727)
41. Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, Yong Gao, GNet: A generalized network and its applications in qualitative spatial
reasoning, Information Sciences, 2008, 178(9), 2163-2175. (doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2008.01.002)
42. Yu Liu, Yong Gao, Yinghui Wang, Lun Wu, Lifu Wang, A component-based geo-workflow framework:
A discussion on methodological issues, Journal of software, 2005, 16(8), 1395-1406.
43. Yinghui Wang, Yu Liu, Shikun Zhang, Study on multi agent-based large scope distributed software
architecture, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2004, 13(2), 268-271.
44. Kunqing Xie, Yongqiu Wu, Xiujun Ma, Yu Liu, Baoyuan Liu, R. Hessel, Using contour lines to
generate digital elevation models for steep slope areas: A case study of the Loess Plateau in north
China, CATENA, 2003, 54, 161-171. (doi: 10.1016/S0341- 8162(03)00063-8)